About Us

Upshot /ŭp′shŏt″/ noun 1.  The final result; the outcome. synonym: effect.

UpshotGPS, LLC, Precision Marketing, Precision Results...
What began in 1996 as Pro Image FX producing websites, creative development and pioneering use of online digital video and one-stop multimedia development.

Today, UpshotGPS is highly vested in digital marketing systems technology. Without a system, an integrated platform to manage your business, your contacts, and marketing automation it will be difficult to compete with your competition.

Technology is always evolving with AI being the latest game-changing tech. UpshotGPS is your partner to help navigate the hype for better strategic decisions.


As a Certified Partner with PipelinePRO, UpshotGPS can present what we believe to be the most complete ALL-IN-ONE software as a service (SaaS) INbound & OUTbound marketing automation platform on the market today. And with integrated AI tools...

No other SaaS platform can compete!

About Us

Upshot /ŭp′shŏt″/ noun 1.  The final result; the outcome. synonym: effect.

UpshotGPS, LLC, Precision Marketing, Precision Results...

What began in 1996 as Pro Image FX producing websites, creative development and pioneering use of online digital video and one-stop multimedia development.

Today, UpshotGPS is highly vested in digital marketing systems technology. Without a system, an integrated platform to manage your business, your contacts, and marketing automation it will be difficult to compete with your competition.

Technology is always evolving with AI being the latest game-changing tech. UpshotGPS is your partner to help navigate the hype for better strategic decisions.


As a Certified Partner with PipelinePRO, UpshotGPS can present what we believe to be the most complete ALL-IN-ONE software as a service (SaaS) INbound & OUTbound marketing automation platform on the market today. And with integrated AI tools...

No other SaaS platform can compete!

The Founder

I'm Mike Lanzarotta, I am thrilled to connect with you! I am the "human side of AI technology". My journey has been quite the adventure—from serving in the U.S. Navy, working for defense and commercial aerospace companies to following my entrepreneurial passion. Back in 1996, I launched Pro Image FX, a game-changer in multimedia content and online business solutions. It's amazing to see some of my early work still online today! Being a "techie" I've always been fascinated by the power of technology. Fast forward to today, I'm super excited about leveraging AI technology, marketing, and automation to streamline business processes and boost productivity.

UpshotGPS as a Certified Partner with PipelinePRO and our advanced "Lead Gen AI Sales System", is the culmination of this passion.

Hey... I Use The PipelinePRO SaaS platform including the Lead Gen AI Sales System because there is nothing on the market that compares to:

1- OWNING your lead gen, 2- Its low-entry price point and 3- The breadth of services, and capabilities are unmatched.

I'm here to empower you with revolutionary AI tech and cutting-edge management and marketing automation tools. Let's explore the endless possibilities together—drop me a message, and let's dive into a demo of the Lead Gen AI Sales System!

The Founder

I'm Mike Lanzarotta, I am thrilled to connect with you! I am the "human side of AI technology". My journey has been quite the adventure—from serving in the U.S. Navy, working for defense and commercial aerospace companies to following my entrepreneurial passion. Back in 1996, I launched Pro Image FX, a game-changer in multimedia content and online business solutions. It's amazing to see some of my early work still online today! Being a "techie" I've always been fascinated by the power of technology. Fast forward to today, I'm super excited about leveraging AI technology, marketing, and automation to streamline business processes and boost productivity.

UpshotGPS as a Certified Partner with PipelinePRO and our advanced "Lead Gen AI Sales System", is the culmination of this passion.

Hey... I Use The PipelinePRO SaaS platform including the Lead Gen AI Sales System because there is nothing on the market that compares to:

1- OWNING your lead gen, 2- Its low-entry price point and 3- The breadth of services, and capabilities are unmatched.

I'm here to empower you with revolutionary AI tech and cutting-edge management and marketing automation tools. Let's explore the endless possibilities together—drop me a message, and let's dive into a demo of the Lead Gen AI Sales System!

Contact Us

What We Do

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